De Nobel – product / services company in plants and flowers – is an officially recognized sustainable florist business with many ambitions. The Nobel has a large corporate clientele, but also focuses on wedding and funeral flowers and workshops. Assignment We have been asked to advise and assist the development of the retail concept of […]
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AGU offers a complete range of cycling clothing and bike accessories – professional cycling gear, panniers and rainwear. Since 1966, AGU develops each collection with a special eye for technology, comfort and appearance. Carefully developed from high quality materials. Assignment Agu has asked us to advise on the repositioning of the brand Agu, especially for […]
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Capricorn Security Service BV was founded in 1993 and focuses – next to private security – on specific areas within the field of the security industry. Assignment Capricorn has asked us to advise on and support with the repositioning of Capricorn with all its services and products in the Dutch security market. We have also […]
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The City Pier City Run in The Hague (CPC Loop Den Haag) is a major event in The Hague, which annually welcomes tens of thousands of participants and visitors. The target groups are families, from young to old, pupils, students and business people from small and large companies. Everyone can choose his or hers suitable […]
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The Money Museum (Geldmuseum) told us about the role money plays in people’s lives. Visitors could take a look at the Golden Mountain, the factory where the coins were made. Besides coins, there were also paintings and other money-related artifacts. Unfortunately the Geldmuseum recently has been closed caused by to little subsidy from the government. […]
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Rolf Sluiter Project Development and management was specialized in the development of real estate in historic areas. After more than 15 years the name and activities changed. Assignment Rolf Sluiter Project development has asked us a to develop a real estate concept with commercial spaces (including stores) for a historical village centre in a city […]
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